Here are the best DVD players for the MacBook Pro. Once youve attached your external drive to your Mac, you can use it in exactly the same way as a built-in optical drive: simply insert the DVD or CD into. Storing your files on a DVD has its benefits and if you're using a MacBook Pro, you'll need to get yourself the right DVD player. Read Also: 3 Best Laptops for Creatives: 3 Things to Consider Before Buying In fact, if you keep them somewhere that can really prevent their decay, they will be in mint condition forever!

Here are some of the advantages of using DVDs:

198 Example Scripts folder, 120 Expos, 86 external monitor. Also, there are still a few advantages of using DVDs if you are not that familiar. Edit menu, 53 ejecting CD, DVD, or networked drive, 26,45 Empty Trash, 45, 69 locked items.
Although some people may think that DVD players are obsolete, these external DVD players for MacBook pro actually allow certain functions to work.